Monday, February 18, 2008

the Girls at the 'Forget Me Not' Bar

The first night on a R&R trip to Bangkok, I went to an 'Entertainment Center' next door to the JW Marriott. It was about fifty 'Mini-Me' size bars, UNDER a FREEWAY!!!

Note: We're talking about some special kind of ambiance here.

For no particular reason, I stopped at the third bar, and on hind sight maybe number two, or number four, would have been better; but hey, there's no way to know.

I ordered a Singha Beer and was immediately hit with: 1. 'Wat Ur name?', 3. 'Wat hotel U stay?', 5. 'U take me home?'.

I mean really 'hard-core stuff', because they skipped right over, 2. 'Where U from?', and 4. 'U buy me drink?'.

One beer, and out.

The shortest distance to the hotel was to 'run the gauntlet' through the rest of the bars.

I hadn't planned to stop for another beer, until I saw the girls at the 'Forget Me Not'. I mean without exception; the girls were 8's, 9's and several 10's. And there wasn't a 'hard-core' look with any of 'em.

Note: These bars didn't have dancers, so the girls were dressed, more or less, in normal street clothes.

The bartender spoke great English because she was an American Thai, going to school in Bangkok. Her uncle owned the bar, and the rule was she couldn't 'date' the customers.

She was surprised to hear I wasn't looking for a 'date', but was simply there to have a beer and hopefully find someone who could carry on more of a conversation than, 'Wat Ur name?', 'Where U from?' ....

She said, "Yeah, that does get old".

She also told me, her uncle wanted her to work with the girls, to help them with the English; i.e. to improve business.

The girls English was better than most, but frankly they were so HOT; I didn't care if they spoke Urdu.

Anyway, it got off to a rocky start because the youngest and prettiest girl in the bar, asked, "What Ur name?".

I said, "For you my 'sweet young thing', you should call me, Grandfather Jon".

The bartender was drinking a Coke at the time, and it went down the 'wrong way'.

The 'sweet young thing' unfortunately also took it the 'wrong way', and thought maybe I had said something insulting.

After the bartender recovered and explained it to her, it was all cooool.

The 'sweet young thing' became essentially a second 'Left Arm' for the duration. And I tell ya, it was GOOOOD.

The other girls in the bar picked up on the story, and they became an alternating second 'Right Arm', and that was SOOOO GOOOOD!!

It was the normal Thai bar scene; music, bar games with the girls, etc, etc, etc. I probably spent $30 the whole evening on drinks; a couple of beers for me, and a ton of 'lady drinks'.

Note: the old Cyndi Lauper song, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", HAD to have been written about the girls at the 'Forget Me Not'; I mean they were simply so much FUN to be around!!!

When I was getting ready to leave, I was debating whether to come back the next night or not; I mean I had serious doubts that it could possibly be as good.

I reluctantly decided to tell the girls I had to leave town in the morning, blah, blah, and blah.

As you might have guessed, the next evening I just couldn't resist going back.

One of the girls saw me about 15 yards away, and the other dozen or so, joined her in a ROUSING CHOURUS of; "Sawadi kaaaaaa, Grandfather Jon!!".

About 15 feet away, the DJ started playing the oldie and moldie 'Macarena', and the girls, of course being Thai bargirls, started to dance.

Anyway, they were surprised; surprised I say, when I started dancing with what; 12-14 girls?

It was great fun, and THEN, they started improvising by adding some rather 'lewd' moves.

When I started copying their 'lewd' moves, the smiles became even BIGGER, and SWEETER!!

And jeez, it was even better than the first night; and I'm not sure how I was able to do it, but I resisted the temptation to do 'take-out', but I did, and I'm glad I did.

I'll NEVER, EVER, forget the girls at the, 'Forget Me Not'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So are you a pedophile?